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    PID # Attachment count CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0000253    [DriverPacks BASE]
tweakresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-23When you select a new location with the same platform, the GUI doesn't update
  0000254    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
minorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-22support for the updated Graphics DriverPacks (A 6.09.1, B 6.09 and C 6.09)
  000023062 [DriverPacks BASE]
slipstreamer (API mode)
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-22problems with calling DriverPack Base API
  00002511   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
crashclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-22Blue Screen during windows installation - STOP 0x0000007E
  00002521   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-22Installing on nForce 3/4 results in a BSOD
  00002502   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
minorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-20Missing "ati2mtag.sys" pops up during windows xp setup
  00002491   [DriverPacks BASE]
blockresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-20Missing setup.exe in \tmp
  0000248    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
trivialresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-19DriverPacks BASE: translators listed in the credits on the About page
  000022415   [DriverPacks BASE]
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-16M1, no QSC: Could not copy Intel Chipset drivers' .inf files
  000024711 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (AndersHH)2006-09-15Danish translation
  000024611 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
crashclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-15v6.09b1: Critical Error: Could not Copy bin\DPsFnshr.ini to $OEM$\$1
  0000233 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorresolved (chertoianov)2006-09-12Bulgarion translation updated (some little fixes)
  000023612 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorresolved (ricktendo64)2006-09-12Spanish translation updated (some English text was left)
  0000231 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (maxximum)2006-09-12French translation updated
  00002342   [DriverPacks BASE]
slipstreamer (API mode)
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-12MSTM integration is done even though it is deselected.
  00002412   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-12ATI Radeon 9000 Mobility: control panel not installed.
  00002351   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
minorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-10[BASE] UpdateChecker doesn't detect new DriverPacks in the DriverPacks directory
  00001956   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-10i have a constant install window opening every 30 seconds
  00002451   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
minorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-10AMD Sempron not found with DriverPack CPU 6.09
  00002325   [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-10makePNF.exe For hours 100% CPU load
  0000243    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-09[M2] enhanced dummy setup
  0000244    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
minorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-09enhanced Driver Signing Policy Disabler
  0000242    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-09[Finisher] Speed optimizations
  000022342 [DriverPacks BASE]
slipstreamer (API mode)
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-07Still error in API mode
  0000238 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorresolved (Gyppie)2006-09-03Norwegian translation updated
   000023711 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
textclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-09-03DPsFnshr.log shows "<KTD> KTD is enabled, in PATHS mode" albeit ALL has been selected in BASE
   000014421 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (amitri)2006-08-31Slovenian translation updated
  0000229 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (KenanBalamir)2006-08-25Turkish translation updated
  000019691 [DriverPacks BASE]
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-25Could not copy Intel Chipset drivers' .inf files from \$OEM$\$1\D\C\I\2k3\ to \$OEM$\$$\INF.
  000022063 [DriverPacks BASE]
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-25Missing files in multiboot
  000022811 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-25Selected 3rd Party Driverpacks not copied to the default folder
  0000227 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (Deaaaaaas)2006-08-24Swedish translation added
  0000226 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-24Double quotes still in DPsFnshr.ini
  000022511 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (orei)2006-08-23Italian translation updated
  000021641 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorresolved (ricktendo64)2006-08-22Spanish translation updated
  0000222    [DriverPacks BASE]
minorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-22M1: warning that OemPnpDriversPath is too long while it's NOT
  0000221    [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
minorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-22A couple of wrong quotations in DPsFnshr.ini
  0000218 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
slipstreamer (API mode)
blockresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-22AutoIt error when started in API mode
   000014394 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (Helmi)2006-08-22German translation updated
   0000219 1 [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (Helmi)2006-08-22German translation updated
  0000217    [DriverPacks BASE]
featureresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21When using nightly for newer version than the currently released one, the currently released one is still detected as newer
  000020774 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
majorresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21ATI Catalyst Control Center installed but not working, due to typo's in DPsFnshr.ini
  000020055 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs BASE misc.
minorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21Puter with not shutdown when in Raid 0
  000020511 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21Not all peripherals detected on nForce 430
  000020291 [DriverPacks BASE]
DPs Finisher
crashclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21BAD_POOL_CALLER on Intel D975XBX Mobo
  00000802   [DriverPacks BASE]
crashresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21portcls.sys not found during Windows 2000 Setup
  0000056112 [DriverPacks BASE]
minorclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21MassStorage Drivers: Intel SATA RAID not recognized
  000008131 [DriverPacks BASE]
crashclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21Setup stops in blue part of Windows 2000 saying [Files] section of invalid (dosnet.inf)
  000007611   [DriverPacks BASE]
crashclosed (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21WindowsXP never logs in after first boot(stops at "playing logon sound")
  000021252 [DriverPacks BASE]
trivialresolved (BashratTheSneaky)2006-08-21After selecting valid location, when using back/next buttons, the GUI becomes a mess
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