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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000463DriverPacks BASEtranslationspublic2008-10-07 05:342008-10-07 06:11
Assigned ToOverFlow 
Platformx86-32OSWindows XPOS Versionany version
Product Version8.09 rc1 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000463: My translation of 7Zip to Brazilian portuguese

[Brazilian Portuguese];GetSystemDefaultLangID
MSG_USAGE = un7zip V1.0 -- Extraia arquivos 7zip na pasta de destino com

log#13#10#13#10Esse Programa 32-bit irá descomprimir arquivos 7zip na pasta de

destino#13#10e pode acrescentar o seu log de erro em um arquivo já

existente#13#10#13#10Usado:0000013#10#13#10#09un7zip <Files> <TargetDir>

[LogFile]0000013#10#13#10#09onde:0000013#10#13#10#09Files especifica uma lista de um ou
vários arquivos para descomprimir#13#10#09TargetDir é a pasta de destino (crie se não

existir) onde#13#10#09os arquivos serão extraidos (recria extrutura de

pasta).0000013#10#09LogFile é onde o log de erro será

anexado.0000013#10#13#10Exemplo:0000013#10#13#10#09un7zip "C:\Arquivos para

Extrair\Arquivo1.7z" "D:\Meus Arquivos Extraidos\" C:\erro.log#13#10#13#10Exemplo de

Lote:0000013#10#13#10#09un7zip C:\Arquivo\*.7z D:\ C:\erro.log#13#10#09if not errorlevel 1

goto END#13#10#09echo ...0000013#10#09:END#13#10#13#10
LOG_LINSEP = ------------------------------------------------------
LOG_EXTRACTOK = #09Descomprimir arquivo %s (%d/%d) em %s : Yeah, sem erros.
LOG_EXTRACTKO = #09Descomprimir arquivo %s (%d/%d) em %s : *Putz*, aconteceu algum

MSG_EXTRACT_INFO = Descomprimir#32
ERR_INVALIDFILLST = Lista de arquivos invalida %s.
ERR_INVALIDTGTFLD = Pasta de destino invalida %s.
ERR_NOSOURCEFILES = Sem arquivos para extrair.
ERR_LOADDLL = Erro ao carregar 7-zip32.dll.
LOG_START = Iniciando un7zip at %s
LOG_CLOSE = Fechando un7zip at#32
LOG_RECAP = Encontrado %d arquivos(s) 7zip na pasta %s
LOG_ERROR_RECAP = %d Ocorreu algum erro ao descomprimir

This is the translation :D
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platformnot applicable
Installation Platformother (not natively supported)
DriverPacks Methodnot applicable
DriverPacks Finisher Methodnot applicable
Attached Filestxt file icon un7zip Brazilian .TXT [^] (1,567 bytes) 2008-10-07 05:34 [Show Content]

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-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion New Issue
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion Status new => assigned
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion Assigned To => Sandrion
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion File Added: un7zip Brazilian .TXT
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion Destination OS Platform => not applicable
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion Installation Platform => other (not natively supported)
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion DriverPacks => all
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion DriverPacks Method => not applicable
2008-10-07 05:34 Sandrion DriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2008-10-07 06:11 OverFlow Assigned To Sandrion => OverFlow
2008-10-07 06:11 OverFlow Status assigned => resolved
2008-10-07 06:11 OverFlow Resolution open => fixed

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