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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000029DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-05-27 06:312006-05-27 11:41
Assigned ToBashratTheSneaky 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.05 CP 
Target VersionFixed in Version6.05 
Summary0000029: M2+RunOnceEx: if no $OEM$ dir exists, then it won't be created and as a result RunOnceEx won't work
DescriptionTried slipstreaming using method 2, all packs, RunOnceEx with Default ID...

I've used this setup with both my own preexisting $OEM$ folder and one without.
The slipstreamer DOES NOT create $OEM$ folder!

I do see the messages of $OEM$ creation during the slipstream process, but nothing to show for it.
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platform
Installation Platformdisc (CD/DVD)
DriverPacks Method2
DriverPacks Finisher MethodRunOnceEx
Attached Fileslog file icon M1_DPs_BASE.log [^] (8,096 bytes) 2006-05-27 09:09
? file icon DPs_fnsh.cmd [^] (12,187 bytes) 2006-05-27 09:09
log file icon M2_DPs_BASE.log [^] (3,474 bytes) 2006-05-27 09:25

- Relationships
has duplicate 0000026resolvedBashratTheSneaky M1+RunOnceEx: if no $OEM$ dir exists, then it won't be created and as a result RunOnceEx won't work 

-  Notes
BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-05-27 07:12

Method 2 does not require the $OEM$ folder, but the OEM folder.

Please post your slipstream log.
Nakatomi2010 (reporter)
2006-05-27 07:50

Could be these are related to the error I posted earlier....
razormoon (reporter)
2006-05-27 08:27

I'm currently going through an M1 slipstream, so I'll post log in a little while. I wanted to ask though...if $OEM$ is only used by M1, why does dpbase edit my cmdlines.txt and adds *roe*.cmd to $OEM$? (Provided $OEM$ is there of course)
razormoon (reporter)
2006-05-27 09:13
edited on: 2006-05-27 09:44

Attached is the M1 BASE LOG. If you have a look you'll notice some discrepancies at the end of the log, specifically with how $OEM\DPs_ROE.cmd is missing a $.
Take a look at the cmd a find... \\ and you'll notice entries with double backslashes! Will post M2 in a few minutes.

razormoon (reporter)
2006-05-27 09:28
edited on: 2006-05-27 09:31

OK, M2 is up.

2006-05-27 08:24:00 : <SLIP> Created \I386\presetup.cmd file.
2006-05-27 08:24:00 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\txtsetup.sif to support method 2.
2006-05-27 08:24:01 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\dosnet.inf to support method 2.
2006-05-27 08:24:01 : <SLIP> Updated \I386\winnt.sif to support method 2.
2006-05-27 08:24:01 : <SLIP> Updated \$OEM$\cmdlines.txt to execute DPs_ROE.cmd.
2006-05-27 08:24:01 : <SLIP> Created \$OEM\DPs_ROE.cmd batch file.
2006-05-27 08:24:01 : <SLIP> Slipstream finished in 2 minutes and 7 seconds.
2006-05-27 08:24:04 : <CLNP> Temporary working directory successfully deleted.
2006-05-27 08:24:04 : Program terminated.

So...It says its updating and creating stuff in $OEM$ (and $OEM :P), but the directory just doesn't exist. The above excerpt is from M2 with no preexisting $OEM$. However it does do what it says when there's already an $OEM$ folder in place.

razormoon (reporter)
2006-05-27 10:07

Uh, more stuff...

I do have my own $OEM$ folder w/ bells, whistles, whathaveyou. I just tried to slipstream to an empty $OEM$ folder and basepack deleted it! lol
razormoon (reporter)
2006-05-27 10:20

So, in summary, you mentioned M2 does not require $OEM$. I was just curious as to what type of cleanup happens, even with M2.

M2 still gives me the option to use RunOnceEx, yet does not implement anything unless 1) You have an existing $OEM$ folder and 2) $OEM$ is populated with files (otherwise, the directory gets deleted).

I'm just trying to get some clarification as to whether or not to run dps_fnsh.cmd, using M2, at first login.

Another thing is the various occurences of double backslashes in dps_fnsh.cmd itself. It was a cool find.

Thanks for everything bashrat.
BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-05-27 11:31

Able to reproduce the issue.
BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-05-27 11:40


- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-05-27 06:31 razormoon New Issue
2006-05-27 06:31 razormoon DriverPacks => all
2006-05-27 06:31 razormoon DriverPacks Method => 2
2006-05-27 06:31 razormoon Finishing Method => RunOnceEx
2006-05-27 06:31 razormoon Installation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-05-27 07:12 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000098
2006-05-27 07:50 Nakatomi2010 Note Added: 0000099
2006-05-27 08:27 razormoon Note Added: 0000102
2006-05-27 09:09 razormoon File Added: M1_DPs_BASE.log
2006-05-27 09:09 razormoon File Added: DPs_fnsh.cmd
2006-05-27 09:13 razormoon Note Added: 0000103
2006-05-27 09:25 razormoon File Added: M2_DPs_BASE.log
2006-05-27 09:28 razormoon Note Added: 0000104
2006-05-27 09:31 razormoon Note Edited: 0000103
2006-05-27 09:31 razormoon Note Edited: 0000104
2006-05-27 09:44 razormoon Note Edited: 0000103
2006-05-27 10:07 razormoon Note Added: 0000105
2006-05-27 10:20 razormoon Note Added: 0000106
2006-05-27 11:31 BashratTheSneaky Status new => assigned
2006-05-27 11:31 BashratTheSneaky Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-05-27 11:31 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000111
2006-05-27 11:31 BashratTheSneaky Status assigned => acknowledged
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky Status acknowledged => resolved
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky Fixed in Version => 6.05
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky Resolution open => fixed
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000112
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky Projection none => tweak
2006-05-27 11:40 BashratTheSneaky ETA none => < 1 day
2006-05-27 11:41 BashratTheSneaky Summary $OEM$ Folder => M2+RunOnceEx: if no $OEM$ dir exists, then it won't be created and as a result RunOnceEx won't work
2006-05-27 11:55 BashratTheSneaky Relationship added related to 0000026
2006-05-27 11:56 BashratTheSneaky Relationship deleted related to 0000026
2006-05-27 11:56 BashratTheSneaky Relationship added has duplicate 0000026

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