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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000028DriverPacks BASEGUIpublic2006-05-27 05:282006-05-27 11:26
Assigned ToBashratTheSneaky 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.05 CP 
Target VersionFixed in Version6.05 
Summary0000028: when RunOnceEx as Finishing Method, but no RunOnceEx Settings set: AutoIt Error
DescriptionHmmm...I've been flipping about the program and caught a little buggy in the process.

If you choose RunOnceEx, but do not click on anything on the RunOnceEx Settings you will eventually get an error clicking Next>> and right before Overview.
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platform
Installation Platformdisc (CD/DVD)
DriverPacks Method2
DriverPacks Finisher MethodRunOnceEx
Attached Files? file icon autoiterror.bmp [^] (358,414 bytes) 2006-05-27 05:28

- Relationships
related to 0000040resolvedBashratTheSneaky When Finishing Method ="custom" in settings file, this setting isn't imported 

-  Notes
BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-05-27 11:16

I was able to reproduce the problem thanks to your description and it was an easy fix :)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon New Issue
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon File Added: autoiterror.bmp
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon DriverPacks => all
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon DriverPacks Method => 2
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon Finishing Method => RunOnceEx
2006-05-27 05:28 razormoon Installation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-05-27 11:15 BashratTheSneaky Status new => assigned
2006-05-27 11:15 BashratTheSneaky Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-05-27 11:16 BashratTheSneaky Status assigned => resolved
2006-05-27 11:16 BashratTheSneaky Fixed in Version => 6.05
2006-05-27 11:16 BashratTheSneaky Resolution open => fixed
2006-05-27 11:16 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000109
2006-05-27 11:17 BashratTheSneaky Projection none => tweak
2006-05-27 11:17 BashratTheSneaky ETA none => < 1 day
2006-05-27 11:26 BashratTheSneaky Summary AutoIt Error => when RunOnceEx as Finishing Method, but no RunOnceEx Settings set: AutoIt Error
2006-05-28 10:45 BashratTheSneaky Relationship added related to 0000040

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