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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000037DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-05-28 04:152006-05-28 04:19
Assigned ToBashratTheSneaky 
PrioritynormalSeveritycrashReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.05 CP 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000037: Could not copy Intel Chipset drivers' .inf files from \$OEM$\$1\D\C\I\ to \$OEM$\$$\INF
DescriptionHi Bashrat,

I just encountered a problem with your new DriverPack Base 6.05 CP.
It tells me that it is unable to copy the Intel Chipset drivers, although these files exist in the given source directory.

See you later,
M. Köpferl
Additional Informationcontent of DPs_BASE.ini:

type = "disc"
location = "Z:\XP\XPProSP2"
DriverPacks = "all"
DPsMethod = "1"
finishMethod = "GUIRunOnce"

KTD = "all"
QSC = "yes"
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platform
Installation Platformdisc (CD/DVD)
DriverPacks Method1
DriverPacks Finisher MethodGUIRunOnce
Attached Fileslog file icon DPs_BASE failure.log [^] (5,692 bytes) 2006-05-28 04:15

- Relationships

-  Notes
BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-05-28 04:18

You're using the wrong DriverPack:

"Detected DriverPack Chipset 6.03.1"

You should use DriverPack Chipset 6.05 (check the forum, it's not yet on the website).

That error message is wrong though. It will be updated in 6.05.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp New Issue
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp File Added: DPs_BASE failure.log
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp DriverPacks => all
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp DriverPacks Method => 1
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp Finishing Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-05-28 04:15 mkp Installation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-05-28 04:18 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000123
2006-05-28 04:18 BashratTheSneaky Status new => assigned
2006-05-28 04:18 BashratTheSneaky Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-05-28 04:18 BashratTheSneaky Resolution open => no change required
2006-05-28 04:19 BashratTheSneaky Status assigned => closed

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