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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000521DriverPacks BASEGUIpublic2009-09-18 19:332009-09-19 18:53
Assigned ToOverFlow 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version8.12.5 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000521: It's possible to check the MassStorage Text Mode Driver without DMPS
DescriptionYou can select the box "DriverPack MassStorage text mode" without checking the box "DriverPack MassStorage" [see picture]. If I have properly understood, you have to check both boxes. It would be nice, if the "DriverPack MassStorage" will be checked automaticly if you select the Text Mode Driver.
Additional InformationFirst postet here (in german): [^]
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platformwnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
Installation Platformdisc (CD/DVD)
DriverPacks Method2
DriverPacks Finisher MethodGUIRunOnce
Attached Filesjpg file icon base.jpg [^] (46,309 bytes) 2009-09-18 19:33

- Relationships

-  Notes
OverFlow (administrator)
2009-09-19 18:47

This is a feature and is by design...

Please post in the forum under "DriverPacks BASE Feature Requests"

the BugTracker is for "bugs" while this may not make sense to you yet, it is done intentionaly
OverFlow (administrator)
2009-09-19 18:53

I tried google translator on that page but it did not work so i could not follow the conversation... Although i did see that Helmi is active over there ;). Tell him I said Hello!

Let's discuss this in the forum... look forward to discussing this!

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy New Issue
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy Status new => assigned
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy Assigned To => OverFlow
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy File Added: base.jpg
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy Destination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy Installation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy DriverPacks => MassStorage
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy DriverPacks Method => 2
2009-09-18 19:33 Starfoxy DriverPacks Finisher Method => GUIRunOnce
2009-09-19 18:47 OverFlow Note Added: 0000902
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow Destination OS Platform wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP) => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow Installation Platform disc (CD/DVD) => disc (CD/DVD)
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow DriverPacks MassStorage => MassStorage
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow DriverPacks Method 2 => 2
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow DriverPacks Finisher Method GUIRunOnce => GUIRunOnce
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow Status assigned => resolved
2009-09-19 18:48 OverFlow Resolution open => fixed
2009-09-19 18:53 OverFlow Note Added: 0000903

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