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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000265DriverPacks BASEDPs Finisherpublic2006-10-04 04:242006-10-04 11:39
Assigned ToBashratTheSneaky 
PrioritynormalSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
StatusclosedResolutionno change required 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.09 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000265: DPsFnshr did not clean the files on %systemdrive%
DescriptionThe DriverPack Finisher did not clean the following files after finishing:

Folder "D"

I included the DPsFnshr.ini and DPsFnshr.log file.
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platformwnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
Installation Platformnot applicable
DriverPacks Method1
DriverPacks Finisher MethodRunOnceEx
Attached Files? file icon DPsFnshr.ini [^] (14,425 bytes) 2006-10-04 04:25
log file icon DPsFnshr.log [^] (26,194 bytes) 2006-10-04 04:25
? file icon DPs_BASE.ini [^] (1,715 bytes) 2006-10-04 09:29
log file icon DPs_BASE.log [^] (5,068 bytes) 2006-10-04 09:30

- Relationships

-  Notes
shaz (reporter)
2006-10-04 04:28
edited on: 2006-10-04 09:29

I have tried the a new clean installation and the same problem appears again.
So it is reproducible

DriverPacks Method is not 1 but 2
I have also added DPs_BASE.ini and DPs_BASE.log

BashratTheSneaky (administrator)
2006-10-04 11:39

You must redownload the DriverPacks BASE: you're using the incorrectly compiled version. As soon as you do so, all your problems with the Finisher will disappear. (As you can see in the log, it stops somewhere in the middle of the Finisher's routine, because this was a debug version.)

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz New Issue
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz Status new => assigned
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz Destination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz Installation Platform => not applicable
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz DriverPacks => all
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz DriverPacks Method => 1
2006-10-04 04:24 shaz DriverPacks Finisher Method => RunOnceEx
2006-10-04 04:25 shaz File Added: DPsFnshr.ini
2006-10-04 04:25 shaz File Added: DPsFnshr.log
2006-10-04 04:28 shaz Note Added: 0000567
2006-10-04 09:29 shaz Note Edited: 0000567
2006-10-04 09:29 shaz File Added: DPs_BASE.ini
2006-10-04 09:30 shaz File Added: DPs_BASE.log
2006-10-04 11:39 BashratTheSneaky Status assigned => closed
2006-10-04 11:39 BashratTheSneaky Note Added: 0000569
2006-10-04 11:39 BashratTheSneaky Resolution open => no change required

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