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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000544DriverPacks BASEGUIpublic2010-10-05 21:262010-10-09 07:13
Assigned ToHelmi 
Platformx86-32OSWindows XPOS Versionany version
Product Version10.06 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0000544: small GUI mistake and one error advice

sorry for my bad englich but thats my first post in englich.
I have updated the driverspack and now I have 3 bugs.
First and second bug is in the (german) GUI, look at the picture on addition.
The error message popup when I'm select my windows souce
Steps To ReproduceSlect the Widows souce.
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platformwnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
Installation Platformdisc (CD/DVD)
DriverPacksnot applicable
DriverPacks Methodnot applicable
DriverPacks Finisher Methodnot applicable
Attached Filespng file icon bugs.png [^] (241,522 bytes) 2010-10-05 21:26

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-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-10-05 21:26 freak55494 New Issue
2010-10-05 21:26 freak55494 Status new => assigned
2010-10-05 21:26 freak55494 Assigned To => OverFlow
2010-10-05 21:26 freak55494 File Added: bugs.png
2010-10-09 07:13 OverFlow Assigned To OverFlow =>
2010-10-09 07:13 OverFlow Assigned To => Helmi

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