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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000064DriverPacks BASEGUIpublic2006-06-05 03:152006-06-05 07:24
Assigned ToBashratTheSneaky 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version6.06 
Target VersionFixed in Version6.06.1 
Summary0000064: [OptionalSettingsOther] allways ATI_cpl = "CCC"
Descriptionthen exporting my settings on [OptionalSettingsOther] allways ATI_cpl = "CCC", doesn't matter which radio button was sellected. And then slipstreaming, on OEM folder the script creating ATICCC.ins
TagsNo tags attached.
Destination OS Platform
Installation Platformnot applicable
DriverPacksGraphics A
DriverPacks Methodnot applicable
DriverPacks Finisher Methodnot applicable
Attached Files

- Relationships
duplicate of 0000061resolvedBashratTheSneaky ATI CCC/CCP selection: settings saved but not imported 

-  Notes
There are no notes attached to this issue.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2006-06-05 03:15 laura New Issue
2006-06-05 03:15 laura DriverPacks => Graphics A
2006-06-05 03:15 laura DriverPacks Method => 2
2006-06-05 03:15 laura Finishing Method => RunOnceEx
2006-06-05 03:15 laura Installation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-06-05 07:18 BashratTheSneaky Relationship added duplicate of 0000061
2006-06-05 07:19 BashratTheSneaky Status new => assigned
2006-06-05 07:19 BashratTheSneaky Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky DriverPacks Method 2 => not applicable
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky Finishing Method RunOnceEx => not applicable
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky Installation Platform disc (CD/DVD) => not applicable
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky Status assigned => closed
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky Resolution open => fixed
2006-06-05 07:24 BashratTheSneaky Fixed in Version => 6.06.1

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