MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
View Issue Details
0000555DriverPacks BASEDPs BASE misc.public2011-06-08 20:592011-06-09 01:07
x86-32Windows XPany version
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
Chipset, LAN, MassStorage
not applicable
not applicable
0000555: DP Base does not recognize that there are additional packs
DP Base 10.06 only offers to slipstream LAN 11.01 pack. The UpdateCheck sees that I have 3 packs that are up-to-date, but the Slipstreamer only allows me to add the LAN 11.01 pack. I should (need) to be able to slipstream the chipset and mass storage packs. See attachment for Base screenshot.
No tags attached.
png basescreen.png (46,826) 2011-06-08 20:59
Issue History
2011-06-08 20:59dtruongNew Issue
2011-06-08 20:59dtruongStatusnew => assigned
2011-06-08 20:59dtruongAssigned To => OverFlow
2011-06-08 20:59dtruongFile Added: basescreen.png
2011-06-09 00:56OverFlowNote Added: 0000943
2011-06-09 00:56OverFlowStatusassigned => feedback
2011-06-09 01:00OverFlowNote Edited: 0000943bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=943#r6
2011-06-09 01:01OverFlowNote Edited: 0000943bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=943#r7
2011-06-09 01:04OverFlowNote Edited: 0000943bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=943#r8
2011-06-09 01:06OverFlowNote Edited: 0000943bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=943#r9
2011-06-09 01:07OverFlowNote Added: 0000944
2011-06-09 01:07OverFlowStatusfeedback => closed
2011-06-09 01:07OverFlowResolutionopen => fixed

2011-06-09 00:56   
(edited on: 2011-06-09 01:06)
attach Base Log to all support queries... [^]
Please read "Read BEFORE you post"...

Issues are to be discussed in forum...
We will let you know if you have a bug,
only once a bug is confirmed will you then
be invited to open a bugtracker report.

Since BASE is downloaded at the rate
of about a million times a month
and this has never been reported before
I personally would doubt it's a bug.

In fact since you are using the BARTPE platform...
chipset is not an elegible option, neither is sound.

BartPE is a recovery platform and not an OS replacement.
Not all packs are functional at BartPE... this is a
shortcoming of PE and not a BASE error.
Chipset won't work properly, so you can not, and should not, select it.

Mass Storage Textmode is selected, So Mass Storage
is correctly selected to have it's plugin correctly built


2011-06-09 01:07   
Not a Bug... Closed