MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000464DriverPacks BASEtranslationspublic2008-10-07 06:022008-10-07 06:13
x86-32Windows XPany version
8.09 rc1 
not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
0000464: 8.09.10b Brazilian Portuguese translation updated again
I fix some errors that i have forgot before

i add :

    settings_location_06 = "&Disco Iniciável [CD/DVD]"
    settings_location_07 = "Bart&PE"
           settings_location_08 = "Disco &MultiBoot"
      settings_location_09 = "Drivers &Autonomos"
      settings_location_10 = "Mudando a plataforma de instalação"

replace the old file "Portuguese(brazil).lng" for this one.

See ya
No tags attached.
? Portuguese (Brazil).lng (13,083) 2008-10-07 06:02
Issue History
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionNew Issue
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionStatusnew => assigned
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionAssigned To => Sandrion
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionFile Added: Portuguese (Brazil).lng
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionDestination OS Platform => not applicable
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionInstallation Platform => not applicable
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionDriverPacks => all
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionDriverPacks Method => not applicable
2008-10-07 06:02SandrionDriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2008-10-07 06:04SandrionSummaryBrazilian Portuguese translation updated again => 8.09.10b Brazilian Portuguese translation updated again
2008-10-07 06:12OverFlowStatusassigned => resolved
2008-10-07 06:12OverFlowResolutionopen => fixed
2008-10-07 06:13OverFlowStatusresolved => assigned
2008-10-07 06:13OverFlowAssigned ToSandrion => OverFlow
2008-10-07 06:13OverFlowStatusassigned => resolved

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