MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000067DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-06-07 14:542006-06-09 15:38
Windows 2000
not applicable
Sound A
not applicable
not applicable
0000067: Windows 2000: when KB888111 is slipstreamed: hdaudres.dll entry is corrupted or missing
The entry for hdaudres.dll in txtsetup.sif file is either corrupt or missing.
No tags attached.
? TXTSETUP.SIF (176,930) 2006-06-09 05:47
Issue History
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyNew Issue
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyStatusnew => assigned
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks => Sound A
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Method => not applicable
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyFinishing Method => not applicable
2006-06-07 14:54BashratTheSneakyInstallation Platform => not applicable
2006-06-07 14:55BashratTheSneakyProjectionnone => tweak
2006-06-07 14:55BashratTheSneakyETAnone => < 1 day
2006-06-07 14:55BashratTheSneakyOS => Windows 2000
2006-06-09 05:47nerd-lightFile Added: TXTSETUP.SIF
2006-06-09 15:38BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => resolved
2006-06-09 15:38BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.06.1
2006-06-09 15:38BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed
2006-06-09 15:38BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000192

2006-06-09 15:38   
Fixed! Copy/paste from my (explanatory) reply in the forum ( [^]):

I think I've found the cause. I add this line for KB888111 (and several others) in Windows 2000, XP and Server 2003:

hdaudres.dll = 100,,,,,,,2,0,0

The '100' means it's a file that was added by a ServicePack (ANY SP), and that it wasn't included in the RTM version. I didn't do any further investigation regarding this: I assumed this '100' value would work on all Windows NT 5 platforms. But it does not.
It seems that for Windows 2000, the value '2' is used. It's fixed in the next version of the DriverPacks BASE! wink So just for the record, what should be added when using Windows 2000 is the following:

hdaudres.dll = 2,,,,,,,2,0,0