MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000456DriverPacks BASEtranslationspublic2008-09-25 20:382008-10-04 03:52
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not applicable
0000456: Spanish Translation Sep 25
Sorry but I found some better words for some stuff, got them fom XP Spanish so I know they are more suited
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? Spanish.lng (13,602) 2008-09-25 20:38
Issue History
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64New Issue
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64Statusnew => assigned
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64File Added: Spanish.lng
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64Destination OS Platform => not applicable
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64Installation Platform => not applicable
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64DriverPacks => not applicable
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64DriverPacks Method => not applicable
2008-09-25 20:38ricktendo64DriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2008-10-03 03:27OverFlowAssigned ToBashratTheSneaky => OverFlow
2008-10-03 03:27OverFlowStatusassigned => acknowledged
2008-10-04 02:33OverFlowCategoryDPs BASE misc. => translations
2008-10-04 03:52OverFlowStatusacknowledged => resolved
2008-10-04 03:52OverFlowSummarySep 25 Spanish Translation => Spanish Translation Sep 25

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