MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
View Issue Details
0000072DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-06-22 09:382006-07-30 13:14
6.07 rc1 
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows Server 2003)
disc (CD/DVD)
not applicable
0000072: w2k3, m1: Error: Incorrect number of parameters in function call.
wnt5_uni_dpMassStorage_textmode($slip_qsc_uniPrefix, $dpm_tm_drv_replace, $slip_dps_os_id, $dpm_tm_drv_skip)
No tags attached.
? DPs_BASE.ini (1,396) 2006-07-10 06:40
log DPs_BASE.log (1,298) 2006-07-10 06:40
? DPs_BASE.ini.ini (861) 2006-07-13 06:27
log DPs_BASE.log.log (2,645) 2006-07-13 06:27
Issue History
2006-06-22 09:38clavareNew Issue
2006-06-22 09:38clavareDriverPacks => all
2006-06-22 09:38clavareDriverPacks Method => 1
2006-06-22 09:38clavareFinishing Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-06-22 09:38clavareInstallation Platform => not applicable
2006-06-22 10:10clavareNote Added: 0000197
2006-07-07 14:37BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000206
2006-07-07 14:38BashratTheSneakyNote Edited: 0000206
2006-07-07 16:51BashratTheSneakyStatusnew => feedback
2006-07-10 06:40clavareFile Added: DPs_BASE.ini
2006-07-10 06:40clavareFile Added: DPs_BASE.log
2006-07-13 06:27BigtedFile Added: DPs_BASE.ini.ini
2006-07-13 06:27BigtedFile Added: DPs_BASE.log.log
2006-07-13 06:28BigtedNote Added: 0000207
2006-07-13 06:31BigtedNote Edited: 0000207
2006-07-13 17:58BigtedNote Added: 0000208
2006-07-13 17:59BigtedNote Edited: 0000208
2006-07-26 11:33BashratTheSneakyStatusfeedback => assigned
2006-07-26 11:33BashratTheSneakyAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-07-26 11:37BashratTheSneakyDestination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (applies to all OSes of this platform)
2006-07-26 11:37BashratTheSneakyInstallation Platformnot applicable => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-07-26 11:37BashratTheSneakyDriverPacksall => MassStorage
2006-07-26 11:37BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000240
2006-07-26 11:37BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => feedback
2006-07-26 13:59BigtedNote Added: 0000250
2006-07-26 14:07BigtedNote Edited: 0000250
2006-07-26 14:45BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000251
2006-07-26 15:30BigtedNote Added: 0000252
2006-07-26 15:42BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000253
2006-07-26 15:42BashratTheSneakyStatusfeedback => acknowledged
2006-07-30 13:09BashratTheSneakyAssigned ToBashratTheSneaky =>
2006-07-30 13:09BashratTheSneakyStatusacknowledged => assigned
2006-07-30 13:09BashratTheSneakyAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-07-30 13:09BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000268
2006-07-30 13:09BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => confirmed
2006-07-30 13:13BashratTheSneakyStatusconfirmed => resolved
2006-07-30 13:13BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.07
2006-07-30 13:13BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed
2006-07-30 13:13BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000269
2006-07-30 13:14BashratTheSneakyDestination OS Platformwnt5_x86-32 (applies to all OSes of this platform) => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows Server 2003)
2006-07-30 13:14BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Finisher MethodGUIRunOnce => not applicable
2006-07-30 13:14BashratTheSneakySummaryget this error while slipstreaming Error: Incorrect number of parameters in function call. => w2k3, m1: Error: Incorrect number of parameters in function call.

2006-06-22 10:10   
redowloaded base ver 6.06.1
installed in new dir now working without error
2006-07-07 14:37   
(edited on: 2006-07-07 14:38)
Please attach your DPs_BASE.ini and DPs_BASE.log, so I can try to reproduce this.

Honestly, I don't understand how this could happen. Either this should happen all the time (many users should experience this) or not at all... So I'm really curious to see your settings!

2006-07-13 06:28   
(edited on: 2006-07-13 06:31)
I get the exact same error. I have uploaded my ini and log files. Changed names as the system will not accept same file names.
(edit for spelling mistakes)

2006-07-13 17:58   
(edited on: 2006-07-13 17:59)
Only happens when slipstreaming Windows 2003 server. XP Pro SP2 works fine. Perhaps Clavare can confirm that he was trying to do it in W2003SVR as well?

2006-07-26 11:37   
Do you mean the HOST platform was Windows Server 2003, or the DESTINATION (the OS into which you are trying to slipstream the DriverPacks) platform?
2006-07-26 13:59   
(edited on: 2006-07-26 14:07)
Host OS = XP SP2 fully patched or Win 2003 server SP1 fully patched, Destination OS = Win2003 Server (no SP1)

2006-07-26 14:45   
For ful clarification, when using Windows XP as the HOST OS, the slipstream did succeed?
2006-07-26 15:30   
2006-07-26 15:42   
So it always happens when you're trying to slipstream INTO Windows Server 2003 installation files. That's enough, I'll try to reproduce it and then fix it.
2006-07-30 13:09   
Finally able to reproduce
2006-07-30 13:13   
This problem was caused by an error in the mod_slip_w2k3_x86-32_m1 slipstream module.