MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
View Issue Details
0000019DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-05-18 04:242006-05-30 12:20
normalmajorunable to reproduce
closedunable to reproduce 
6.04 rc7 
not applicable
Sound A
not applicable
not applicable
0000019: svcpack.inf: not converted from unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian) to ANSI
I test with integration and if svcpack.inf is modify : the file is corrupt
My file is UNICODE before integration (french windows) !
No tags attached.
? svcpack.in_ (152) 2006-05-18 04:24
? svcpack.inf (276) 2006-05-19 01:43
? DPs_BASE.ini (778) 2006-05-20 23:35
Issue History
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57New Issue
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57File Added: svcpack.in_
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57DriverPacks => Sound A
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57DriverPacks Method => not applicable
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57Finishing Method => not applicable
2006-05-18 04:24Vier57Installation Platform => not applicable
2006-05-18 15:13BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000081
2006-05-19 01:41Vier57Note Added: 0000082
2006-05-19 01:43Vier57File Added: svcpack.inf
2006-05-19 01:43Vier57Note Added: 0000083
2006-05-19 15:48BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000084
2006-05-20 02:37Vier57Note Added: 0000085
2006-05-20 18:03BashratTheSneakyStatusnew => assigned
2006-05-20 18:03BashratTheSneakyAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-05-20 18:04BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000086
2006-05-20 18:04BashratTheSneakySeverityminor => major
2006-05-20 18:04BashratTheSneakyReproducibilityalways => unable to reproduce
2006-05-20 18:04BashratTheSneakyProjectionnone => minor fix
2006-05-20 18:04BashratTheSneakyETAnone => < 1 week
2006-05-20 18:05BashratTheSneakySummaryFile SVCPACK => svcpack.inf: not coverted from unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian) to ANSI
2006-05-20 23:35Vier57File Added: DPs_BASE.ini
2006-05-26 21:48BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => unable to reproduce
2006-05-26 21:48BashratTheSneakyETA< 1 week => none
2006-05-27 02:09Vier57Note Added: 0000093
2006-05-27 02:51Vier57Note Added: 0000094
2006-05-30 09:25Vier57Note Added: 0000155
2006-05-30 09:56BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000157
2006-05-30 09:57BashratTheSneakySummarysvcpack.inf: not coverted from unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian) to ANSI => svcpack.inf: not converted from unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian) to ANSI
2006-05-30 09:59Vier57Note Added: 0000158
2006-05-30 10:09BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000159
2006-05-30 11:15Vier57Note Added: 0000160
2006-05-30 12:20BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => closed
2006-05-30 12:20BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000161

2006-05-18 15:13   
I've tested it thoroughly when I added support for UNICODE files. Can you please verify that you've used a CLEAN Windows XP source?
2006-05-19 01:41   
I used a clean XP source at each test !
2006-05-19 01:43   
I upload my original file svcpack.inf and file after integration svcpack.in_
2006-05-19 15:48   
It's working just fine here... Please retry to confirm this issue.
2006-05-20 02:37   
I copy a fresh CD with sp2. Any add files or updatepack, addon ...
I slipstream all pack, method 2, no KTD, QuickStream Cache. The problem is the same. No unicode to ansi transformation !
2006-05-20 18:04   
I'm unable to reproduce it. I retried numerous times and each time the file was properly converted to ANSI...
2006-05-27 02:09   
I test Dp base 6.05 CP. in method 1 and 2 the file does'nt convert to ansi ?
2006-05-27 02:51   
I have found the problem !

For test I have
- DPs_Base.exe in folder name "DP Base"
- destination in folder : "DP Base\temp"

If I suppress space in name folder : the file is convert to ansi !
2006-05-30 09:25   
In my last test with 6.05.1 : no problem with conversion !
2006-05-30 09:56   
Eh... I didn't change anything related to that...
2006-05-30 09:59   
The only change is the folder contain dps_base ? Perhaps a specific bug with precedent folder. For my older test I replace older DPs_Base by newest, perhaps a problem with this and beta older version ?
2006-05-30 10:09   
The directory wherein DPs_BASE.exe resides doesn't matter. It can contain spaces. In fact, I've done all my testing with spaces both in the program's path and the destination path, so I'm confident that it's working.
2006-05-30 11:15   
I think the bug is closed and my problem due to specific folder and files. Now work, without problem.
2006-05-30 12:20   
Very well... then the issue is closed.