MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000106DriverPacks BASEDPs BASE misc.public2006-07-31 03:402006-07-31 04:11
6.07 b3 
6.07 rc1 
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
disc (CD/DVD)
not applicable
not applicable
0000106: Exporting settings: when not specified extension, no extension is appended
when you export your setting it forgetting to put the file extetion (.ini) with the file. I have to mamual put it in. this happened on beta 2 & 3
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Issue History
2006-07-31 03:40wrxNew Issue
2006-07-31 03:40wrxStatusnew => assigned
2006-07-31 03:40wrxAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-07-31 03:40wrxDestination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2006-07-31 03:40wrxInstallation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-07-31 03:40wrxDriverPacks => all
2006-07-31 03:40wrxDriverPacks Method => 2
2006-07-31 03:40wrxDriverPacks Finisher Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Method2 => not applicable
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Finisher MethodGUIRunOnce => not applicable
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyPrioritynormal => high
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyProjectionnone => tweak
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyETAnone => < 1 day
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakySummaryExporting Setting's => Exporting settings: when not specified extension, no extension is appended
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => resolved
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.07
2006-07-31 03:50BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed
2006-07-31 04:11BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version6.07 => 6.07 RC1

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