MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000280DriverPacks BASEDPs Finisherpublic2006-11-12 08:102006-11-24 16:48
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0000280: DPSFNSHR.INI does not run enough commands sequentially
I found out that only some of the commands in the DPSFNSHR.INI are run sequentially.
Commands that are run sequentially seem to always be followed by a "?processWaitClose" command that tells autoit to wait for the previous command to finish.
For example :

command2 = "msiexec /i %DPSTMP%\ISScript9.Msi /qn /norestart"
command3 = "?processWaitClose:ISScript9.Msi"

I noticed that the [wnt5_x86-32__0003__D-G-A-1] section definitely needs "?processWaitClose" commands for at least command 2 and 3.

I haven't tested this on all the other exception sections in the DPSFNSHR.INI, but most likey there are other sections that really need much more "?processWaitClose" commands aswell and currently will produce errors the way they are right now.
To make certain to no more problems occur because of the lack of "?processWaitClose" commands , wouldnt it be better idea to simply add "?processWaitClose" commands to EVERY command in every exception section currently present in the DPSFNSHR.INI?

Anyway, as for the [wnt5_x86-32__0003__D-G-A-1] section if i suggest to change the section from this:

tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 3
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command3 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"

to this:

tagFiles = 2
tagFile1 = "%SystemDrive%\ATICCP.ins"
tagFile2 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe"
+hwids = 0
-hwids = 0
+infFiles = 1
+infFile1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\*.inf"
-infFiles = 0
commands = 6
command1 = "%DPSROOT%\D\G\A\1\ATICCP.exe -y -o%DPSTMP%"
command2 = "?processWaitClose:cmd.exe"
command3 = "start /wait %DPSTMP%\Setup.exe /K"
command4 = "?processWaitClose:cmd.exe"
command5 = "rd /s /q %DPSTMP%"
command6 = "?processWaitClose:cmd.exe"


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Issue History
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekNew Issue
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekStatusnew => assigned
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekDestination OS Platform => not applicable
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekInstallation Platform => not applicable
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekDriverPacks => not applicable
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekDriverPacks Method => not applicable
2006-11-12 08:10ruudboekDriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2006-11-24 16:03ruudboekAssigned ToBashratTheSneaky => ruudboek
2006-11-24 16:27ruudboekStatusassigned => resolved
2006-11-24 16:27ruudboekResolutionopen => fixed
2006-11-24 16:44ruudboekStatusresolved => assigned
2006-11-24 16:45ruudboekStatusassigned => resolved
2006-11-24 16:45ruudboekFixed in Version => 6.11
2006-11-24 16:47ruudboekStatusresolved => assigned
2006-11-24 16:48ruudboekStatusassigned => resolved

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