MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000228DriverPacks BASEDPs Finisherpublic2006-08-25 04:582006-08-25 13:16
normalmajorhave not tried
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
disc (CD/DVD)
combination (specify in description)
0000228: Selected 3rd Party Driverpacks not copied to the default folder
When selecting the 3rd Party driverpacks to be saved via the KTD select method, none of the drivers are copied to the KTDlocation.

An error is given in the DPsFnshr.log that states "Could not apply KTD on "C:\D\3", since it does not exist!", after checking through the 3rd party driverpacks I am unable to find such a directory and am unsure why this location is parsed.
3rd party packs:
DP_Benners_wnt5_x86-32_100.7z - Created by me.
DP_Modem_wnt5_x86-32_187.7z - Download via the 3rd party section on the forum.
DP_Printer_wnt5_x86-32_100.7z - Created by me.
DP_Scanner_wnt5_x86-32_185.7z - Created by me.
DP_WB_wnt5_x86-32_1[1].0.7z - Download via the 3rd party section on the forum.
No tags attached.
log DPsFnshr.log (16,094) 2006-08-25 04:58
Issue History
2006-08-25 04:58bennersNew Issue
2006-08-25 04:58bennersStatusnew => assigned
2006-08-25 04:58bennersAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-08-25 04:58bennersFile Added: DPsFnshr.log
2006-08-25 04:58bennersDestination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2006-08-25 04:58bennersInstallation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-08-25 04:58bennersDriverPacks => combination (specify in description)
2006-08-25 04:58bennersDriverPacks Method => 2
2006-08-25 04:58bennersDriverPacks Finisher Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-08-25 13:16BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => closed
2006-08-25 13:16BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000496
2006-08-25 13:16BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed

2006-08-25 13:16   
This is not a bug. The 3rd party DriverPacks should all be updated to be conform with the new structure. Check my reply ( [^]) to your topic at the forum.

I'm sorry I didn't inform you and the rest of the community earlier about this!