MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
View Issue Details
0000466DriverPacks BASEtranslationspublic2008-10-09 08:112009-01-02 15:48
not applicable
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not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
0000466: Polish translation updated translations (8.09)
lastUpdatedFor = "8.09"
No tags attached.
? Polish.lng (13,618) 2008-10-09 08:11
Issue History
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekNew Issue
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekFile Added: Polish.lng
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekDestination OS Platform => not applicable
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekInstallation Platform => not applicable
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekDriverPacks => not applicable
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekDriverPacks Method => not applicable
2008-10-09 08:11dziubekDriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2008-10-14 05:35OverFlowNote Added: 0000832
2008-10-14 06:36OverFlowStatusnew => assigned
2008-10-14 06:36OverFlowAssigned To => OverFlow
2008-10-14 06:36OverFlowStatusassigned => acknowledged
2008-12-30 01:22OverFlowNote Added: 0000853
2008-12-30 01:22OverFlowStatusacknowledged => feedback
2009-01-02 15:48OverFlowStatusfeedback => resolved
2009-01-02 15:48OverFlowResolutionopen => fixed

2008-10-14 05:35   
Thank you!

I am so glad you took the time to do this.
It's awsome that you had time to help us out again.

did you subscribe to the sticky in the translations forum? [^]
i am trying to set up an alert email for the translators ;)
if you subscribe you will get an email when a translation is needed.

if you don't have time NBD at least you will know ther is a new base comeing out ;)
2008-12-30 01:22   
Can we get the line added so this will comply with 8.12?

there is one line that needs to be added

see homepage for base 8.12 TIA