MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
View Issue Details
0000564DriverPacks BASEDPs BASE misc.public2012-07-30 16:552012-08-02 07:14
closedno change required 
x86-32Windows XPany version
not applicable
disc (CD/DVD)
not applicable
not applicable
0000564: Mass Storage DP not detecting SIS 180 IDE/RAID Controller (with SATA HardDrive)
Mass Storage DP was OK for the ASUS P4S800D-X (chipset SIS 964; SIS 180 IDE/RAID Controller) up to v11.06. (Full specs here: [^] )

Ever since Mass Storage v11.07, the installation is not detecting my SATA HardDrive, controlled by SIS 180 IDE/RAID Controller.

Changelog in v11.07 includes this REMOVAL: - SS\ SiS 180/181 RAID Controller (Duplicated with SS1).

Any chance of getting it back in a future release?

SIS 180 IDE/RAID controller running SATA HardDrive only + Mass Storage DP v11.07 onwards...
Windows will be unable to detect the SATA HardDrive upon installation.
This "bug" was not present in Mass Storage v11.06 or earlier
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Issue History
2012-07-30 16:55rds084New Issue
2012-07-30 16:55rds084Statusnew => assigned
2012-07-30 16:55rds084Assigned To => OverFlow
2012-08-02 07:14OverFlowNote Added: 0000952
2012-08-02 07:14OverFlowStatusassigned => closed
2012-08-02 07:14OverFlowResolutionopen => no change required
2012-08-02 07:17OverFlowNote Edited: 0000952bug_revision_view_page.php?bugnote_id=952#r14

2012-08-02 07:14   
(edited on: 2012-08-02 07:17)
DriverPacks BASE is the program that integrates the packs into your OS.

The BugTracker is only used to report issues with the DPs BASE program itself.

Your issue is not with BASE but is instead with the mass storage pack. The drivers were integrated to your OS by DPs BASE correctly.

The driver that is included in the current Mass Storage Driverpack that should support your your HDD Controller has been altered or replaced in the pack itself and for some reason no longer works with your controller.

Issues with the DriverPacks are reported in the forum.

Since you have no issue with BASE this "bug" report is being closed and marked solved, since it did not really exist to begin with.

When you report this at in the mass storage forum please be sure to include your HWIDs for the machine (there is a link to the HWIDs tool in our signatures) and include your BASE version and the Packs and their versions used. the easiest way to supply all the version info is to include your DPsBASE.log file from your DPsBASE installation folder.

Thanks for using Driverpacks!
