MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000263DriverPacks BASEslipstreamerpublic2006-10-01 20:212006-10-04 12:05
Zoot Allures 
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
disc (CD/DVD)
0000263: when using method 1, a faulty directory structure is created
Error: "Could not copy Intel chipset driver's .inf files from \$OEM$\$1\D\C\I\xp\ to \$OEM$\$$\INF".Got this critical error (again) in the middle of the sleapstream process. It quits without going any further (why not, if other chipset drivers are OK?)

I tried many times, after :
- erasing the cache
- reloading the Chipset pack
- reloading all pack incl. DriverPacks Base (after 19h30 on oct. 1st) on a fresh clean HDD.

Tried to execute DPs_BASE.exe under Admin account. Still no dice.

It finally worked puting the Chipset pack in the 3rd party directory.
The Win XP SP2 install CD is RyanVM Update Pack 2.1.2a "updated" via nLite.
It was all OK last month with August Drivers Packs and previous Ryan's pack.
No tags attached.
has duplicate 0000262closed BashratTheSneaky Critical Error, Could not copy Intel chipset driver's .inf 
log DPs_BASE.log (5,954) 2006-10-02 23:16
? DPs_BASE.ini (1,439) 2006-10-02 23:24
? Zoot - DPs_BASE.ini (1,430) 2006-10-03 08:15
log Zoot - DPs_BASE.log (5,055) 2006-10-03 08:16
jpg base 609 error.jpg (136,528) 2006-10-03 22:15

jpg Zoot - DPsBase_Chipset_failure.jpg (93,431) 2006-10-03 23:26

log Zoot - DPs_BASE_2.log (3,779) 2006-10-03 23:31
? Zoot - DPs_BASE_2.ini (1,794) 2006-10-03 23:32
Issue History
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresNew Issue
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresStatusnew => assigned
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresDestination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresInstallation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresDriverPacks => Chipset
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresDriverPacks Method => 1
2006-10-01 20:21Zoot AlluresDriverPacks Finisher Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-10-02 06:55shazNote Added: 0000559
2006-10-02 07:17BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000560
2006-10-02 12:56shazNote Edited: 0000559
2006-10-02 23:16OverFlowFile Added: DPs_BASE.log
2006-10-02 23:17OverFlowNote Added: 0000561
2006-10-02 23:24OverFlowFile Added: DPs_BASE.ini
2006-10-03 08:15Zoot AlluresFile Added: Zoot - DPs_BASE.ini
2006-10-03 08:16Zoot AlluresFile Added: Zoot - DPs_BASE.log
2006-10-03 08:19Zoot AlluresNote Added: 0000562
2006-10-03 22:15darthmarth37File Added: base 609 error.jpg
2006-10-03 22:18darthmarth37Note Added: 0000563
2006-10-03 22:21darthmarth37Note Added: 0000564
2006-10-03 22:22darthmarth37Note Edited: 0000563
2006-10-03 23:26Zoot AlluresFile Added: Zoot - DPsBase_Chipset_failure.jpg
2006-10-03 23:31Zoot AlluresFile Added: Zoot - DPs_BASE_2.log
2006-10-03 23:32Zoot AlluresFile Added: Zoot - DPs_BASE_2.ini
2006-10-03 23:36Zoot AlluresNote Added: 0000566
2006-10-04 08:28darthmarth37Note Added: 0000568
2006-10-04 11:46BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000570
2006-10-04 11:46BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => confirmed
2006-10-04 11:46BashratTheSneakyRelationship addedhas duplicate 0000262
2006-10-04 11:59BashratTheSneakyCategoryDriverPacks Finisher => slipstreamer
2006-10-04 11:59BashratTheSneakySummaryCould not copy Intel chipset driver's .inf files from \$OEM$\$1\D\C\I\xp\ to \$OEM$\$$\INF => when using method 1, a faulty directory structure is created
2006-10-04 11:59BashratTheSneakyDescription Updated
2006-10-04 12:05BashratTheSneakyStatusconfirmed => resolved
2006-10-04 12:05BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.10
2006-10-04 12:05BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed

2006-10-02 06:55   
(edited on: 2006-10-02 12:56)
Did you the latest DriverPack Chipset 6.09.1 in combination with the DriverPack Base 6.09.

2006-10-02 07:17   
Please attach your DPs_BASE.ini and DPs_BASE.log!
2006-10-02 23:17   
Same issue here
Zoot Allures   
2006-10-03 08:19   
> Bashrat: Sorry, when testing, again and again, I forgot to keep the "bad" one but a line remain in the last log (I attach these - had to rename mine)).

> shaz: yes, it was done w. all latest files (as of le ini/log files)

Anyway, it's the first time I ran in a problem... These are nice work, thanks to Bashrat. :)
2006-10-03 22:18   
(edited on: 2006-10-03 22:22)
Here's the cause of this problem: the drivers are copied, regardless of whether QSC is available or not, to \$OEM$\$1 instead of \$OEM$\$1\D, so when the finisher tries to copy drivers from the nonexistent \$OEM$\$1\D it returns an error. See the file "base 609 error.jpg", noting the open directory in the background.

Oh, and yes, I re-downloaded BASE_609, and all the DPs are up-to-date.

2006-10-03 22:21   
Reminder sent to: BashratTheSneaky

I believe I found the cause of this problem. Maybe you could take a look at it.
Zoot Allures   
2006-10-03 23:36   
> Darthmarth

I've just processed an other Win install directory, meth1/GUI Run Once.
It seems that the level "D" is missing between $1 and C, isn't it?

Hope this helps.
2006-10-04 08:28   
> Zoot Allures

Exactly. That directory is missing. The finisher copies them to the wrong directory. The only reason the problem seems to occur with the chipset pack is because that's the one it tries to copy from \$OEM$\$1\D first. If one excluded the chipset pack, it would still happen, just with a different driverpack instead.
2006-10-04 11:46   
Found the cause.