MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000208DriverPacks BASEDPs BASE misc.public2006-08-19 08:342006-08-19 08:56
wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
disc (CD/DVD)
combination (specify in description), Chipset, CPU, Graphics A, LAN, MassStorage, Sound A
not applicable
not applicable
0000208: system hang's when powering off
0000207: [NIGHTLY] DriverPacks BASE 20060819.6084.622
to power off you have to hit retart twice then system hang's when powering off

my system
AN8 nForce 4 ultra
WD2500js x 2 raid 0
Gecube x800gt
Opity 146 @ 2.6

this was also in version 6.08.3

No tags attached.
log DPsFnshr.log (12,048) 2006-08-19 08:34
? DPsFnshr.ini (14,210) 2006-08-19 08:35
Issue History
2006-08-19 08:34wrxNew Issue
2006-08-19 08:34wrxStatusnew => assigned
2006-08-19 08:34wrxAssigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-08-19 08:34wrxFile Added: DPsFnshr.log
2006-08-19 08:34wrxDestination OS Platform => wnt5_x86-32 (Windows XP)
2006-08-19 08:34wrxInstallation Platform => disc (CD/DVD)
2006-08-19 08:34wrxDriverPacks => combination (specify in description), Chipset, CPU, Graphics A, LAN, MassStorage, Sound A
2006-08-19 08:34wrxDriverPacks Method => 2
2006-08-19 08:34wrxDriverPacks Finisher Method => GUIRunOnce
2006-08-19 08:35wrxFile Added: DPsFnshr.ini
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Method2 => not applicable
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyDriverPacks Finisher MethodGUIRunOnce => not applicable
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => resolved
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.08.4
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed
2006-08-19 08:55BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000427
2006-08-19 08:56BashratTheSneakyStatusresolved => closed
2006-08-19 08:56BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version6.08.4 =>

2006-08-19 08:55   
Reinstall, but don't use the Chipset DriverPack. If that works, then it's the chipset drivers. If that doesn't solve the issue, then it's probably caused by the CPU driver. If that doesn't work, then it's probably the mass storage driver.
FYI: this is not related to the DriverPacks BASE but to one specific driver in the DriverPacks and therefore it must NOT be posted in the bugtracker, but in the forum!

This issue is closed now. Please post your test results in the forum.