MantisBT - DriverPacks BASE
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0000194DriverPacks BASEtranslationspublic2006-08-16 00:162006-08-16 00:57
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0000194: Fixed Spanish translation of Siginet (Windows version detection) on the About page
I just figured out what you meant by Windows version detection

I translated (Windows version detection) in Siginets About text wrong, its no big deal, in spanish it says "Detecting Windows Version".
I didnt know what you meant to do with the text, I thought it was a feature of the Base, I thouth it was gonna be detecting the windows version, I didnt know it was siginets contribution description to the project.
So poor old Sigi is still getting Typoed :-P
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7z Spanish.7z (4,110) 2006-08-16 00:18
7z Spanish_Typo_Update2.7z (4,111) 2006-08-16 00:52
Issue History
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64New Issue
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64Statusnew => assigned
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64Assigned To => BashratTheSneaky
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64Destination OS Platform => not applicable
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64Installation Platform => not applicable
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64DriverPacks => not applicable
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64DriverPacks Method => not applicable
2006-08-16 00:16ricktendo64DriverPacks Finisher Method => not applicable
2006-08-16 00:18ricktendo64CategoryDriverPacks Finisher => translations
2006-08-16 00:18ricktendo64File Added: Spanish.7z
2006-08-16 00:52ricktendo64File Added: Spanish_Typo_Update2.7z
2006-08-16 00:53ricktendo64Note Added: 0000406
2006-08-16 00:55BashratTheSneakyAssigned ToBashratTheSneaky => ricktendo64
2006-08-16 00:56BashratTheSneakySummaryFixed Spanish trans of Siginet (Windows version detection) in About => Fixed Spanish translation of Siginet (Windows version detection) in About
2006-08-16 00:57BashratTheSneakySummaryFixed Spanish translation of Siginet (Windows version detection) in About => Fixed Spanish translation of Siginet (Windows version detection) on the About page
2006-08-16 00:57BashratTheSneakyStatusassigned => resolved
2006-08-16 00:57BashratTheSneakyFixed in Version => 6.08.4
2006-08-16 00:57BashratTheSneakyResolutionopen => fixed
2006-08-16 00:57BashratTheSneakyNote Added: 0000407

2006-08-16 00:53   
Just found another word, Sorry BTS im a perfectionist
2006-08-16 00:57   
Being a perfectionist is A Good Think! ;)